Retrospective Drug Utilization Review
Collaborative Program:
The Retrospective Drug Utilization Review program (RetroDUR) is a collaboration between the New York State Medicaid Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Program and a clinical pharmacist team from the State University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (UB SPPS).
Optimizing Care:
The program retrospectively reviews the prescribing and dispensing of outpatient prescription medications in order to ensure that prescriptions are:
- Appropriate
- Medically necessary
- Not likely to result in adverse medical outcomes
The RetroDUR team uses the most current evidence-based medical information to make bias-free decisions. The team notifies prescribers and pharmacies if any potential issues are identified.
In addition to retrospective reviews, the clinical pharmacists from UB SPPS perform outcomes analyses of RetroDUR interventions to evaluate their effectiveness. The UB SPPS team also coordinates with NY Department of Health on provider education initiatives.
Selected Projects:
- Evaluation of a Mailed Letter Intervention to Address Inappropriate Fluoroquinolone Prescribing. Presented to Drug Utilization Review Board Winter 2020
- Influenza vaccination rates amongst NYS Fee-For-Service Medicaid with COPD. Presented to Drug Utilization Review Board Spring 2018